Kerry-Lugar Bill, a scheme of $ 7.5 billions financial aid proposed to be given to Pakistan in next five years for our socio-economic development, has got a lot of publicity and has become the talk of the town these days. For weeks it remained and is still a subject of discussions in TV talk shows and newspapers columns. Why such a big hue and cry is going up about it? Because of preliminary and excessively tough conditions, harming our national sovereignty and honour, are afflicted upon us in return to have this aid.
For an ordinary show of generosity, which remains only a little part of our annual budget and does not meet our huge needs, we have been made bound of some nasty and disagreeable terms. Why? Every giver has the right to put restrictions of his own choice on one who stretches his hand as an indigent. The Americans want us to be thankful and bowing to them. Areas and ways are fixed where and how to utilize financial aid. We will have to prove our credibility through abiding by the conditionalities set by them and also assure them the amount given to us is spent properly and under their rules and not our needs. They seduce us with the ‘carrots’ to be ‘good boys’ and threaten us of tough action with the ‘stick’ if we fail to toe their line in taking care of their conditionalities.
Now imagine how much in abundance the bounties have been showered upon us by Lord of the worlds, ALLAH (SWT). At a critical juncture of our history a far seeing and wise leadership to win the freedom, which we are enjoying now, was one of the greatest blessings of All Mighty. A homeland full of abundant natural resources, fertile lands, green fields, vast plains, high mountains covered with snow, flowing rivers, dashing seas, all the seasons, vigorous and hardworking manpower, what is there which we don’t have? These are the invaluable and inestimable benefactions of ALLAH (SWT).
‘And you have no good thing but is from ALLAH.’ (An-Nahl: 53)
He, as the Creator, Cherisher and Protector has the right to put conditions for bonus of peace, prosperity and copious means of living. True belief, piety and righteousness is required for proving the merit. But unfortunately our leaders, politicians, military generals, bureaucrats, business community and elite class of the society are apprehensive of just thinking about anger of the American and are remain fear free of the wrath of ALLAH, the Exalted. They pay no heed to the conditions set by Him. So what happened?
‘If the people of the towns had but believed and feared ALLAH, We should indeed have opened out to them (all kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth; but they rejected (the truth or meeting the terms) and We brought them to book for their misdeeds.’ (Al-A’raf: 96)
Now all of our sufferings and misfortunes are result of this heedlessness. None other but we are responsible for all that is bad; our sufferings and trials; hunger, famine, scarcity of basic needs, restlessness, chaos and tumult, lack of security of lives, properties and honour, bungling and mismanagement, lack of discipline and order, mutual discord, unreliable and corrupt leadership. All this is earning of our own.
‘Say to them: ‘ It is from yourselves.’ (Aal-e-Imran:
In return of countless blessings bestowed upon us is that what our Lord demands from us more than that which the Americans demand? Thankfulness and obedience; remembering, glorifying and adoring Him. Setting our individual and collective lives in accordance with the commandments given by Him. Keeping the system of the country in consistency with the code of life given in the Quran and the Sunnah of His prophet (PBUH).
Our leaders quake with fear of ‘Taghut’ of our times, America. They not only convince but force us to agree their decisions of yielding to the American demands. To them neither national interests nor the dignity and honour of the country has any price in the face of American wishes.
What polytheism in fact is? The greatest of all kinds of shirk is leading the life against the commandments given by Allah (SWT) making Halal (lawful) what He has declared to be Haram (forbidden) and allowing all that is Haram to be done and permitted (Halal). Right of unconditional submission upon us is of only our Lord, ALLAH and not of any one else. If wishes and demands of the powers other than our Creator are put above what is commanded by ALLAH (SWT), it is not but worship of Taghut (Satan, evil and all who transgress the limits laid by ALLAH) while there are clear instructions for true Muslims to reject Taghut and show obedience only for ALLAH, the Exalted.
There are generally two major motives for this kind of attitude. Either this espousal is result of man’s own wishes or this way is adopted for appeasing some powers thought super and great. This must not be deemed to be just a scriptural and mythic issue. This is a live fact easily observed in the policies of those who are unfortunately at the helm of our national affairs. And in result suicide bombing, rebellion against the system, loss of the writ of state, ruin of peace and financial crisis and a lot of more is exactly in accordance with the narration of the Quran:
Say: ‘He (ALLAH) has power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance-each from the other.’ See how We explain the Signs by various (symbols); that thay may understand.’ (Al-Anaam: 65)
Muneer Ahmad Khalili
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