Friday, October 30, 2009

Was Pakistan Created For All This To Happen?

Creation of a new country in the name of religion of the greater number of the Muslim community, demanding a homeland for them, was not a surprising phenomenon. When the Muslim majority formula was the basis for the partition of India, then dogma of its being an Islamic state and getting run under the Islamic principles, proclaimed by the leadership of Pakistan Movement, was not difficult to absorb. Economic and political factors could not be disregarded but as the British were going to quit India, saving the Muslim community from getting spiritually, morally, culturally submerged under the surface of Hindu Raj was main objective of founding a free and sovereign country for about one hundred million Muslims of the subcontinent. And in the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the goal was achieved.

The episode changed. As the Pakistan Movement was gathering momentum and coming of a new, free and sovereign Muslim country into existence was about to appear as a great reality, gatherings in support of the Pakistan movement started swarmed with a group of opportunist, covetous and corrupt elements. They were from among the feudal lords, bureaucrats and professional politicians. They were bound together with vested interests strings and had an unwritten secret understanding between them to protect each other’s interests. They were ‘fake coins’ with a little chance to get any demand in political market in the united India, so guessing a good chance of gaining value in newly established country they hurried to prove themselves loyal to the objectives of Pakistan. In spite of their crookedness they were uncertain to gain any prominence in presence of a man of high principles and sticker for rules as the Quaid-e-Azam was, so his death brought a great relief and filled many of them with elation. The club started thriving and was expanded with some new partners, some military generals and some having a good hand as mill owners and industrialists.

Very soon after the death of the founder of Pakistan these elements were successful in grabbing the power. Now their priorities were totally changed. Self, family, and the ‘club members’ took precedence over the expediencies of the nation, considerations of the country and even over the prudence and dictations of Deen. Process of flourishing of a strong society with common goals, collective interests and public welfare halted just after a short time of sad demise of Quaid-e-Azam. A wide gape developed and a line between the privileged and deprived classes got dense. The greed broadened the evil efforts. Vice of corruption and unlawfully amassing of the wealth got its way to spread quickly. Undue favours and nepotism left a little room for equal chances of progress for the common people.

Politics became the fastest means of acquisition of unlimited wealth. Covetous eyes were soon cast on the national resources to loot them. Palace intrigues became the popular game of the politicians. An unholy alliance of Phiraun (Pharaoh) (ruling elite, most of the time military dictatorship), Qaroon (mill owners, industrialists, stock hoarders, black marketers, profiteers) Hamaan (bureaucrats, ministers and advisors) and Bal’am Ba’ura ( Seyyeds, Pirs, Sahibzadahs, Gaddi Nasheens and some Maulanas) has always served the evil designs of manipulators and exploiters in power.
With sheer vanity, this ruling class carefully distances itself from common man. Highly self-conceited class does not allow their American and western culture blended and grown up Bilawals, Asifas, Bakhtawars, Munises mix up with common people lest the colour of the west become faint and fade. Their children hardly understand and seldom speak the national language of Pakistan, even then they are brought up to become rulers of our tomorow.

So it is not strange that they are unaware of the real problems of the people. To them getting trampled and stampeded in an attempt to get a small bag of flour or a pack of two kilos sugar is not a serious matter. It is a fun for them if a landlord runs his ferocious dogs on a hawker who refused to sell fish to the cruel man on cheep price. They are hardly moved if some brute tribal chiefs decide to bury the women alive asserting it a tribal tradition. Running secret and private jails by the feudal lords to severely punish the tillers of their lands for minor faults is thought an act of training to rule the country.

Now Pakistan is in a weaker condition and they are stronger enough. The nation is poverty-stricken and they have kept billions of dollars in the foreign banks and have made investments in and out of the country. The people of the country are extremely vexatious in scorching heat and dark hit due to power shortage and the palace like residences of the selfish leaders are illuminated. A great number of the poor population is in grip of hunger and the banquet tables of the leaders get fame to be broader and broader. No sun rises without scandalous and confounding news bringing humiliation for us. Just for their own gains and benefits they yield to abashing pressure and comply with every kind of terms and conditions of the foreign ‘guarantors’ no matter how much they are in the interest of the country or how exceedingly the meddling of these ‘guarantors’ is damaging the integrity and dignity of the country. Now the country seems to remain on the mercy of ‘guarantors’.

The rulers have mortgaged the country due to their lust of power and for vested interests of their own. The question is that for this all Pakistan was created?

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