Sunday, November 01, 2009

Dreadful Inflictions

If only a slight lethal dose of a fatal drug is flown into the veins of any part of human body it takes no time to incapacitate entire body and then close the chapter of life. Immorality and heedlessness may prove a slow poison but its fatality is not less than any of the poison. And if the matter is of moral corruption of the leaders and rulers its curse makes the lands barren and trees become fruitless. Blissfulness and auspiciousness is taken back from individual and collective life.

A short piece of Hadith says: ‘ The Day of Judgment will not be established until entire Muslim Ummah gets lead and ruled by the hypocrites in its ranks.’ Another Hadith says: ‘A time is awaited to come on the people when their energies will get consumed in the efforts done only for their bellies and stomachs, their amassed wealth will be the reason of their honour and distinction; their women will be the biggest lure of them and center of their attraction; dirhams and dinars saved by them will supplant their Deen. Such people will be the worst of the creatures having no portion of reward with ALLAH, the Exalted.’ This Hadith fits so accurately on the lives of leaders more than common people.

And one more Hadith is there enough to open our eyes. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: ‘what a critical condition faced by you will be when five things will occur in among you! And I seek protection of Allah for you to face this condition. It is impossible that if the acts of lewdness and adultery are openly committed and in result epidemics and inflictions, never experienced by their forefathers, do not spread. Facing the drought is inevitable if the people stop paying Zakat. If the cattle and other animals are not there, not a single drop of rainwater may fall. If dishonesty in business and trade becomes the trait then it is inescapable that the people suffer dreadful inflictions of artificial scarcity and stealthily disappearance of commodities, increase in hardships of life and tyranny of the rulers. If the decrees and decisions of the rulers are antithetical to that revealed by ALLAH (SWT) then overcoming of the enemies is more likely to happen who will snatch away from what is in their possession. And keeping the Book of ALLAH and Sunnah of His prophet suspended never remains without their mutual conflicts.’

Now ponder over connotation and implication of the Ahadith quoted above and cast a look on what the state of affairs is prevalent in our country. The people have willingly, with their votes, chosen for them to lead and rule only those who have notoriety of embezzlement and are open liars. They make their promises only to break. They, unhesitatingly, usurp the national assets and gulp down the trusts put in their consignment. Their deeds are inconsistent with what they hypocritically say. Despite they claim to be Muslims but their way of action is against the teachings of the Quran and the prophet of ALLAH. These transgressors and debauched show mighty against only their own people but are so submissive towards the enemies of Islam and Muslim Ummah. They are fond of western culture and use their power and influence to popularize it, no matter what a great lewdness and immodesty it has. Encouraged by them some foreign NGOs are now unrestrained to bring the ‘ prostitute culture’ in vogue in our society to morally destroy it. In July, 2009, under the nose of the federal and the provincial government, an NGO, Gender and Reproductive Health Forum, with the cooperation of United Nation’s Fund for Population, has without any check, held a sex convention of the prostitutes in Karachi.

They have huge amounts in the banks within the country and abroad growing through huge kickbacks, corruption and bank interest. They think the cruel capitalistic system based on usury in the best of their interest and also interest of their western patrons so they support this system but are immensely allergic of Zakat system. Having secret protection and support of the ruling circles the mill owners, industrialists and business community are fearless of any accountability for their crimes of commodities hoardings, black marketing and profiteering. Thus dishonesty has become a common trait in the business. The worst example of corruption came to the surface in a very recent ‘Sugar Scandal’ when unholy alliance of some of the big guns in the government, sugar and flour cartels and merchants, has caused a serious crisis and stirred up a great trouble in the public. Government is shamelessly backing the sugar cartels remaining uncaring of the serious problems faced by the people of the country.

Governor of Punjab and MQM, an ally of the present and previous regime are out to demand repealing of the bill preventing anything sacrilegious to the Prophets, leave alone to be ready for implementing the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Their temerity is only because they have chosen for them everything of this worldly life and have a little concern about the moment when after resurrection they will be made stand in the Presence of ALLAH, the All Mighty, and will not be allowed to move a step forward unless they give the answers to the five questions. About the entire span of the life where and how it was led. In which type of activities as a youth remained indulged? From where the wealth was collected and where it was spent? Whatever the knowledge gained how much of it was followed?

The way, so crookedly, obliviously and heedlessly our rulers and political leaders live, has an impact on the people, natural environment and agricultural lands. Are the untimely rains, global warming, fatal viruses giving rise to epidemics, speedily growing shortage of water, miseries of hunger, scarcity of the basic needs, restlessness, hostilities, psychological diseases spreading in the society not dreadful inflictions caused only by the brashness and shamelessness of the rulers? If no heed is shown then natural blows are not unexpected and unconceivable to prove extremely grievous.

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