Sunday, November 08, 2009

Islam Phobia

Though from among the People of the Book (Ahl-e-Kitab) Christians did not lag behind the Jews in making tremendous changes in the Word of God. Both had forged a lot in the teachings of the prophets and fabricated many things in the scriptures making part of their religion and their forgeries were exposed in the Quran, even then Islam had some genuine reasons for softness towards Christianity as compared to the Jews.

The Quran says:
‘ Verily, you will find in the strongest among men in enmity to the believers the Jews and those who are Pagans (Mushrekun), and you will find the nearest in love to the believers those who say: “We are Christians.” That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.’ (Al-Maidah: 82)

As an amicable and conciliatory policy of the Prophet of Islam (SAW) towards the Christians, a little after open call (Da’wa) to Islam when the Pagans of Makka started severely harassing and torturing those who embraced Islam the Holy Prophet (SAW) advised a group of Muslims who wanted to save their Faith, to immigrate to Abyssinia, a land then ruled by Negus (Najjashi), a Christian king, quietly kind and compassionate to the Muslims.

And it was 7th year before Hijrah (migration) of Muhammad (SAW) to Madina when two super powers of that time, The Roman Empire and the Persian Empire clashed resulting the conquest of the later over the Christian Romans. Having many polytheistic similarities in the belief, Pagans of Makka were rejoicing on the conquest of the Persians. The Muslim had a relation of Heavenly teachings, though a lot corrupted by the Christians, but still they were sympathetic to the Roman Christians. They not only wished a reverse in position but it was a miraculous prophecy of the Quran about final defeat of the Persians within next 9 years. And the prophecy was fulfilled on the very occasion when the Makkan Pagans were crushed and humbled by the believers in the first open clash between the Muslims and the Quraysh in the battle of Badr when they invaded Madina. Roman victory over the Persians is the subject of opening verses of surah Ar-Rum. While, after Hijrah of the Holy Prophet to Madina, jealousy and malice of the Jews was getting translated in mischievous plots against the Muslims and Muhammad (PBUH), the Christians avoided showing any big bitterness towards the Muslims.

Till the 7th year of Hijrah no vicious activity, evincing their aggressive designs was in notice. Battle of Mu’tah was the first skirmish, which the Muslims proceeding to Al Sham were not expecting to be so serious and causing such a big harm. While dispatching the detachment to Al Sham the Prophet PBUH was so careful about causing a big loss of lives and properties of Christian people there. He advised his men to fight in the name of Allah, but dissuaded them from killing clergymen, women and children and forbade unnecessarily cutting the trees and destroying the buildings. But the Christians showed no chivalry but met mercilessly. After the expedition of Mu’tah the threat of Byzantine became clearer and it made a big clash inevitable, which finally happened in the battle of Tabuk.

Since then the flames of Christian hostility towards the Muslims never got down. Crusades were a proof that the Christian world would not go to rest and would never leave the Muslim Ummah in peace. God knows till how long they will withstand. Intellectual, journalistic and political clique in America and the western countries has been since long suffering from cynicism and panicky feelings about Islam and Muslim Ummah, deep rooted in their veins, greatly inherited from the era of crusades. Long after the crusades, in the last quarter of the 20th century, the Khomeini Revolution in Iran in 1979 and a Jehadi Movement resisting the Russian aggression in Afghanistan in the same span of time gave a new heat to already burning disquietude sentiments. Eyebrows were already raised with the rise of Islamic Movements in the era after World War (II). Almost 3 decades ago Soviet Union was foxily trapped in Afghanistan. America and most of its allies in the west and around the world were backing the Afghan resistance against S U with the hope that the resistance would soon be the matter of the past, forgotten for ever but very soon it became clear that after the collapse of Soviet Union the bull would most probably gore its horns to overwhelmingly under overweening pride of being the sole super power of the world, America. This not only profoundly cautioned them, but also increased the hysterical and phobic sentiments, which are not going to cool down for last two and half decades.

Politicians and industrialists are mostly seen hands in gloves with each other. Close and secret links between American defence ministry and weapon industry are not a new thing. Thrive of military build up and weapon industry depends on keeping the people hoaxed and in fear of a real or false enemy. As long as the nerves of the citizens are strain they go on paying the taxes in the name of their security from an enemy. Communism proved a blessing for foxy idea of keeping the nation under the pressure of fear and not letting them become able to question about what is fact and what is fiction about the danger over their heads. As long as Soviet Union remained a super power keeping the people frightened of the loss of their free economy, unlimited freedoms worked properly and defence industry went on the record track of thrive but after the collapse of the Soviet Union no reason proved satisfying the people for support production of a huge weaponry.

A need is the mother of every invention. After the collapse of Soviet Union an organization, easily argued to be a big threat for American and its western allies, was the utmost need. Al Qaida is the invention to nurture ill feelings of Islam Phobia. Still it is doing well to keep the evil sentiments of Islam Phobia high.

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