Saturday, December 19, 2009

Honour The Commandments of Allah, the Exalted
The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) is reported to have said: “The worst of the rulers is one who is surly, neither has tenderness nor clemency for his people.” (Agreed upon) Having no concern about the problems and grievances of the people is an ugly mark of worst rulers and is a psychological feature of boorishness. Utmost duty of a ruler is to protect the lives, properties, honour of the citizens of the country and Faith, and moral values of the society. Averting any ideological and cultural assault carried out by any challenging nation is also one of the most significant responsibilities of the ruler. Achievement of the goal of material prosperity and creative and productive activities mostly depends on to what extent the rulers guarantee their inhabitants of a safe and a peaceful condition of living. These are the basic terms of the mandate given to a person or a party to ruler. If the person or the party fails to fulfill responsibilities, the mandate goes null and void.
Addressing the problems and removing the causes of the difficulties faced by the people depends on how much deep roots the rulers keep in the hearts of his people and soil of the land where they keep the authority to rule. We are unfortunate to have the people over our heads, having no ideological and cultural link with the masses. A hadith says: “ when your rulers are from among the best people (of your society) and the rich people (of the community) are generous and your collective matters are addressed with (a system of) counseling and consultation then your existence on the face of earth is better than getting buried under it. And when you have the evil people ruling you and the rich class proves to be miserly and the matters are decided by the women then you’re the death is better than the life.” (Tirmizi) The Prophet (pbuh) once said: “ When Allah wants good for a community He appoints wise people to rule over them and the wealth is given in the hands of generous people but when He wants a bad for a community he appoints stupid people to rule and the wealth goes to the miserly people.” (Abu Dawud)
Perhaps it is the punishment of our evil deeds we have been subject to the rule of wicked people for a long time and still misfortune hounds us. Our rulers have huge fortunes here in the country and abroad by looting the national resources and illegal money plundering but they show a little interest to earn for us the status of a free, sovereign and an honoured nation . Interests of their ‘masters’ are more deer to them than making this country geographically and ideologically a safe and protected piece of land on the earth. The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) had advised while saying: “Give importance and honour to the enjoinments and matters of Allah (swt), He will bestow honour on you.” (Ad-Delmi) The ruling elite gives priority to the will of its foreign masters on the commandments of Allah (swt) and the teachings of His Prophet (pbuh). Their life style, thoughts and ideas match more with their American and western masters than the people of this land. Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) had said: “ Who imitates with and follows (the traits of) a group of people, he is to be counted to be one of them.” (Abu Dawud)
PPP is actually an organization of whimsy and boorish people who generally behave in a disorderly and chaotic way. They learnt a little of discipline and affability. Wangling and trickiness is their popular culture. Honesty and piety is a thing almost stranger in its ranks. Any colour of religiosity is hardly visible in this party. But it also has a number of Seyyeds and Pirs in high positions in its federal and provincial government of Sindh. They boast to have a high religious position but have a little respect for the Words of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) warned the Muslims: ‘Let not the believers take the disbelievers as helpers and supporters (Auliya) instead of the believers…’ (Al-Imran: 28)
In Surah Al-Maidah, verse: 51 the subject has been made more clear and open to get warned. ‘O You who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends and protectors (Auliya), they are but friends of each other. And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely, he is one of them. Verily Allah guides not those people who are wrongdoers (who ignore the warning of Allah not to take the Jews and the Christians as friends)’
As Pirs and Seyyeds, holding the spiritual seats of the saints they must have been the very first to give honour to the commandments of Allah. They should have found the respect in sincere submission to the commandments of Allah but to them appeasing their American masters is more important. They forget what the Holy Prophet (pbuh) had made us realize. “ Give importance and honour to the commandments and matters of Allah, He will bestow the honour upon you.” (Ad-Delmi)
The Quran exposes that what is in their hearts. “And you see those in whose hearts there is a disease, they hurry to their (Jews and Christians) friendship, saying: “ We fear lest some misfortune of a disaster may befall us.” (Al-Maidah: 52) Actually they are less worried about any disaster befalling Pakistani nation but more concerned about their personal and family interests depending on their western masters. So they feel an inner urge to give precedence to the will of their American masters over the commandments of Allah (swt) because they fear their master’s wrath befall them. Fearfully they think the verse 120 of Surah Baqarah is for them. “ Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion.” Letting most frequent drone attacks happen, advocating the Kerry-Lugar Bill, giving a free hand to the rogue elements like Black Water in the country and doing much more than what is demanded in ‘Do More’ is a servitude attitude of the rulers bringing ignominy for a nation of 170 million people. No surprise if the sleazy leadership, estranged from its people, shows no honour to Allah’s commandments and seeks American’s instead of Allah’s pleasure.

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