Characterizing a state as a ‘rogue state’ now a vista is needed entirely different from the perspective taken by Bill Clinton administration around 1993-2001. The term came in vogue for the states like Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea. America thought them hostile to it and their audacity was a reason to put them in the list of rogue state. It was appalling that America forced the world to accept it no matter it was just a hypothesis or a fact but was a resolve only from its own viewpoint. Though international notions and values have a weight and are a reasonable criterion to judge the assumptions but America should not let enjoy the right to make assertions on behalf of entire world. In spite of its vanity of being sole super power America is not free from formidability of getting challenged by some refractory behaviours of nations. It is a psychological fact that the more the power of an individual or a nation grows the more howls of fear start echoing within its ‘self’. One of the biggest evils of the power is that having no confronting factor it contrives some combating elements for it for testing its muscles. It multiplies the fear and the more fear increases the more reprehensible and unjustified steps for self-protections are taken.
America is now facing the same psychological condition. Not only America itself, entire world has got overpowered by some factual and some imaginary fears. The theory of pre-emptive strikes, adopted by the Americans, is invention of the same fear. In the darkness of fear they set a point of danger start their desperate strikes. It has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite of his arbitrary and tyrannical way of governing Saddam Hussain, as was proven later, had neither the weapons of mass destruction nor he had any close link with Al-Qaeda, but it was only the ghost of fear hounding the Bush administration. Neo-cons’ were very foxily exaggerating the matter to lead Bush on attack Iraq. Taliban government in Afghanistan had made many mistakes but it had a little capability of being a direct and big threat for America. Still there were many ways to convince Taliban to extradite Usama bin Ladin from their country. But America was unable to dismiss the fear harboured in it and was bent on using the power according to the theory of pre-emptive strikes. This theory has a little to prove right in international norms.
Mistakes and evils never remain barren. How bitter it may taste but they bear fruit and get multiplied. The poison of Pope Gregory’s explosive, inciting and hateful words while waging a ‘holy war’ against the Muslim still the bitterness still circulate in the blood of Christendom. The same poison is still manifests in malice and hostility in the relation of the two biggest communities of the world, both holding the heavenly revealed books. Then only one but now dozens of monks like Peter in Europe and America, busy in lying and setting the Christian feelings afire. Media also inflames the violent religious thoughts. Islam phobia in the Christian world is at high. An ugly venture of creating foggy atmosphere of negative sentimentalism is touching its extremes. Media inflames the violent thoughts, Pentagon and White House act in endorsement. Evil gives birth to more evils. Every negative act has much more antagonistic reaction. And if it breads many Usama bin Ladins in return then who is to blame?
After the Second World War, Muslim community all over the world tasted most bitter fruits of intrigues and aggressions of big powers. Since the end of the Second World War most of the armed conflicts on the face of earth were against the Muslims. Highest number of the displaced and migrant people, in the last more than 50 years, remains of the Muslims.
The Muslims in the Middle East, South Asia and Far East, have been facing an extremely volatile condition for last more than half a century. Even during the cold war both the supper powers had been humiliating and continuously pushing the Muslim to the wall. But very interestingly the political and military power and economic and technological upper hand of the Americans and their western allies could not free them from their inner fear. After a millennium, while they know that there is no Salahuddin Ayubi in the ranks of the Muslim Ummah they are still in the grip of hatred and fear, a reason behind the Crusades. The American nation, surrounded by the oceans and isolated from the world, has to believe the theories promulgated by their political leadership and spread by their media. They are kept frightened of one or another enemy through the Machiavellian lies of their leaders. In the packs of lies the American people, unable to spot the rogueries of their political and military leaders, mostly remain deluded and out of the facts.
This is nothing else but fear of the American people not letting them to raise the questions about the policies of their governments. Just to hide their own rogueries they blow the dust of propaganda against some states to be rogue or notoriety of some characters and figures. The name of Saddam Hussain and Usama bin Ladin did and still doing well to help them bring their evil designs evident. It helped them deploying a nasty and fierce force, Black Water (now Xe) in almost all the Muslim countries. What more is needed to be labeled a rogue state than getting such a blood thirsty and ferocious element in its sleeves? It is not Sayyed Munawar Hasan or Imran Khan but Maulana Fazlurehman, a close ally of the previous and present regime, talks about 8000 Black Water brutes landed in Islamabad and making all the major cities of Pakistan mini Pentagons.
Now every earnest and sincere Pakistani has the view that current waves of bomb blasts and suicide attacks to be masterminded by Black Water. Will the roguery practices of drone attacks and Black Water remain barren and will not give birth to many more Usamas and Mullah Umers? Evil gives birth to many bigger evils. And, no doubt, they bedevil us now.
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