Dishonesty and corruption is neither a current phenomenon nor is peculiar to only our society. Almost every society has black sheep in its ranks. What makes us distinct in this case is that our entire system is plagued and stinking. We have a multidimensional decay. The rulers are seldom a free and fair choice of ours. We keep special classes born only to get to the power with their foxy tricks and not with the will of the people. Single feather in their cap, as they claim to have, is having a place in good books of the Americans and other western masters. We are plunged in crisis after crisis because most of the politicians, bureaucrats, business community, civil and government servants are more concerned about making their fortunes with plunder and pillage than pushing the nation on the track of progress and prosperity. Our ruling elite and political leadership care a little about faith and moral values. People’s will is meaningless to them against the pleasure of those whom they think givers of the bestowals.
It seems we are in the situation outlined in a hadith of our Holy Prophet related by Al-Tahawi as follows: “ The time is awaited to come when the power will be gained not but only by the murders and coerce; riches will be acquired not but only through usurpation and miserliness and favours will be gained not but only by forsaking the religion and following the vain wishes. Whosoever reaches that time and shows contentment on destitution while he could gain affluence; puts up with the hatred while he could win the favours and faces humiliation while he could get honour; Allah shall recompense him with the reward of 50 righteous and lovers of truth, testifying me to be the prophet of Allah.”
Very strangely in a bit other sense assassination of the chairperson of PPP on December 27, 2008, became the reason to give this party, already had been tried and tested for three times, a rise to the power. The only merit repeatedly claimed in pitiful speeches and statements of the leaders of the party is the blood of Bhutos, the family members of the founder of PPP. How greatly sorrowful unnatural deaths of both the sons of late Zulfiqar Ali Bhuto might have been but in actual fact they did not give their lives for any big cause and not even in any political struggle of PPP. Having no other worthiness the sorrowful mentions of their murders are thought enough to get extension in power and relief from being called to the question about corruption cases. Ruling authority has no other meaning to them than collecting and saving huge amounts of wealth. ‘Enlightenment and moderation’ in new American sense is nothing but leaving the respect for religious norms (deeni ghairat). Competence is no more condition for achieving and deliverance is no more a reason to remain in power.
While pointing out to the signs of the Day of Judgment, the Prophet (pbuh) once said: “ Wait for the establishment of the Day of Judgment when the trusts will be squandered.” He was asked: “ How they will be squandered?” “ When the authority will be entrusted to one who is incompetent and deficient then you should wait for End of the Time.” The Prophet (pbuh) replied. (Bukhari) Resources of the people left with the government are a trust for disbursing only in the interest of the people. But unfortunately the people of the country long for goods of their basic needs. Either they are missing from the markets and have hidden in black market stores or are too high in price to purchase. But the rulers, carefree of the problems of the people, are seen in only concern how to save what they have plundered.
Though the dearth of knowledgeable and visionary leadership is a common problem of most of our political parties but present ruling group is perhaps the worst exemplars of ignorance and shortsightedness. Its wisdom is clouded with avarice and an avaricious person or group is always gloomy and resented, having no message of aspiration and confidence for the nation. They are bubbles and not the drops that get absorbed deep in the soil and become the cause of its fertility. Greed is the bitterest enemy of wisdom. Making piles of wealth has blinded the leaders of the present major ruling alliance to the vision and wisdom and knowledge.
Lack of knowledge, wisdom and insight how to run the affairs of the state makes their merit lost. In verse 58 of surah An-Nisa there is a call to the electorate to render the trust only to those who have the quality to run the affairs of state properly. Those whose goodness is not hoped for should never let rise to high positions because as in a hadith related by Tirmidhi the people will not be safe from evils of their ineffectuality. And there is no doubt that most of the sufferings of the people of Pakistan are due to the evil of the inadequacy of the regime.
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