Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Democracy does not flourish?

In this modern era, no doubt only democracy, as a political system, has a big acceptance and currency in the most of the western and some if not in many of the Asian and African countries. This system has gained such an enormous sacredness that talking about its imperfection and not being an epitome is tantamount to being idiot and ignorant. This system has propagated a civilization and nurtured a culture, so its promulgation by the lovers of that civilization and culture is a natural thing. Until we fail in framing all that is in Islamic teachings in a consistent and concordant system protagonists of democracy are justified to conjecture it to be the best system in spite of the fact that in this system magnitude goes to reckoning and not to weight. Heads are counted brains are not weighed. ‘Bandoon ko gina jata ha tola nahin jata.

We are made believe democracy is the only system ensuring human rights, respecting public opinion, having the rulers elected and ousted through vote. In case of any serious allegations of treason, corruption or mismanagement against the head of the state or the government before the election term, impeachment or no confidence move in the parliament is another way open to replace them. It is the system claiming to be by, of and for the people and providing justice and equal lawful opportunities of progress and preferment to all the citizens of the state without any discrimination. Freedom of expression, movement and living according to one’s belief without any hurdle is another salient feature of this system. But with all these merits the fact may not be denied that even in the countries thought to be the mothers of democracy heavyweight multinational companies, powerful lobbies ( as Jews in America), influential think tanks and rapacious mafias have the greater part not only in paving the ways for the candidates of one or the other party to win the election but also in forcing the governments to adopt the policies of their choice.

Well, we believe it but what is wrong with this democracy when it is here in our country? Why does it not bear the same fruit that it gives to the Americans and the westerns? Does this plant grow in a particular climate different from that of ours? Actually no system can run properly and prove fruitful as long as it is not tighten up firmly with the principles to obstruct any deflection from its course of smooth running. No way is to be left open for one who violates the set principles and then escapes from lesson giving consequences of deviation. Common conscience has also to keep too awakening to leave any room of shelter, sympathy and support for any person or the group who profanes the set rules. What is wrong with us is that we are extremely forgetful people, very easily deluded and cheated by the politicians who have no regard for democratic norms. They are successful in getting our shoulders to rise high with our support and then shamelessly transgress the limits of democratic patterns.

Just because the democratic system is not free from demerits and flaws, dictatorship and arbitrary rule of a person or a group of persons can never be our choice. The state has to exercise its powers through the chosen representatives of the people and the principle of the democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice has to be fully observed. But the systems are always and everywhere administered only when well-intentioned will of the political leadership is there. It is up to the chosen representatives to be sincere and honest to the people as well as to the system which brings them up to speak and stand on behalf of the people. Unfortunately most of our political leaders keep a domineering nature and the parties they lead have developed despotic characteristics in them. None of the military rulers who enjoyed very much longer tenures of their rule failed to get support of some political parties. Vested interests of the politicians make them forget all the advantages of the democracy and they offer their services to the dictators.

As a Hadith of our Holy Prophet says the end of matters and deeds depends on the intentions and designs. How loudly the drums of democracy may be beaten but the hearts of the main stream of our politicians have always unsoundness. The flames of their selfishness, greed and evil designs are cooled only in the atmosphere where there is no difference between dictatorship and the democracy. So mischief of the designs and intentions and large scale of wrong doings cause to vitiate entire political process and democratic system. The plant giving sweet and delicious fruit in the west bears sour and bitter tasting fruit in third world countries only because of sickened resolutions of the leaders who hypocritically sing the songs of democracy but defy every basic rule of the democracy. With no democracy in their bodies these political parties are never expected to serve the cause of the democracy.

The more unpalatable truth is that the countries claiming to be the champions of the democracy have always used double standards. Reading the minds and natures of the rulers in the third world, particularly in the Muslim countries to be very insincere towards the democratic values, the countries thought to be the paragons of the democracy, find their interests more guaranteed under those who rule arbitrarily against the will of the people. They care a little about their favourite parties whether they get their leaders elected by the workers or the leadership goes to them as a hereditary fortune. They are unconcerned about how the traits of justice and equality are trampled under the leaders they deal with. They forget corruption, nepotism, plundering, bribing, commission games and rigging tactics working in the elections. They never tolerate a leader disloyal to his country and the nation at home but provide a cover umbrella to our leaders whose only quality is servitude to their masters abroad.

A vital legislative, an efficient administration, a vibrant judiciary and awakening media are thought four pillars of democracy. Fear of not only of the rulers but the politicians in opposition getting exposed and called to the account hardly let all the four pillars stand firmly and work consistently. And whenever any of the four pillars is razed by anti democracy elements they are successful in gaining support of the Americans and their western allies. This is why the democracy does not get roots in our countries.

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