Thursday, February 04, 2010

Motives behind Acts of Humiliation, Massacre and Genocide

Generations born into occupation and despair; sad and shocked; under the sounds of bullets and bombs and in the pools of blood; in the shadows of rising flames of gutted houses; firing and cries of the frightened children and women; sighs of blanked faced elderly people, extremely longed and pined away. They were and still being dispossessed and displaced within their own land. The Zionists wickedly planned to push the USA in the unending military ventures in the region to blow the dust so high that all the heinous crimes of the Jews State remain unnoticed by the world communities. It was when Gulf War waged by Bush senior for liberation of Kuwait from Iraq, Colin Powel, secretary of the state then, changed the term ‘occupied lands’ and managing to wangle the situation introduced a new term ‘disputed land’.
It is not only the Zionists but under their influence ‘taboo-ridden world of Western media’ as Robert Fisk, the author of the most recent book ‘The Great War for Civilisation’ has rightly said, made an abominable efforts not only to de-humanize the Palestinians but de-nation and de-identify them. Inhumanely treated and wronged community called in names cockroaches, rats, vermin and sons of the bitches. ‘Idiots’ is the only ‘civilized’ name used for reviling human beings and not the creeping and crawling insects in their dictionary given to the Palestinians. There are the intellectuals and journalists who shamelessly deny the Palestinians to be a nation or a community based in the confiscated lands arguing that they do not have a particular language, skin colour and racial characteristics as the Jews have.
The community which has the teachings, ordained in its sacred book, the Torah: ‘Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal’ (Al-Maidah: 45) has invented a horrible punishment for the Palestinians. Penalty for a stone thrown on the Jews security personals or on the illegal settlers from a housetop or a street is demolishing of all the 20 houses in the front. Razing to the ground of the next row of the houses in the same number is the punishment for the second stone thrown from the same locality. And this kind of dreadful punishment is given just under the nose of the other community having the teachings of Christ to offer the other cheek for the blow when once slapped across the face. The Bible says that the proud shall be abases but here the shameful practice is that excessively wronged and crushed Palestinian community is cast down and severely humiliated while the protectors and guardians of the Israeli state have their eyes on the situation but with no check on it. Is it not an ironic that the crimes of not only of the Zionist Movement but Jews’ involvement in Bolshevik massacres, the American slave trade and grabbing of the Palestinian territories have never been mentioned in the syllabus books but as Boston-based political analyst Karin Friedman had pointed out in one of his article (Khaleej Times,13-5-09) that the Holocaust is taught starting in Kindergarten in US public education system.
The father of the modern political Zionism Movement, Theodor Herzel, in 1897, set his goal of getting a state as a homeland for the Jews scattered throughout the world. Full support of the British Imperialism was at the back. Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the first stone laid for establishment of that state in Palestine grabbing the lands of the people who lived there for centuries. A terror movement started to harass the Palestinians making them sell their high priced properties as shoddy goods and forcing them flee from their houses. Alan Hart a prominent journalist who covered the Middle East for nearly four decades and the author of the most recent book ‘Zionism: The real Enemy of the Jews’ opines and before him Jimmy Carter, former president of the USA, in his book ‘Palestine Peace, Not Apartheid’ and also renowned American intellectual Noam Chomsky have viewed in their writings that the main purposes of the besiege of Gaza and blockage of the food, medicines and the articles of basic need is to punish the Gazans for their unwavering support for Hamas. The three weeks war on the Gaza Strip in the winter, starting from 27 December 2008 was to collectively punish all the Palestinians and destroying this group militarily and politically in the belief that when it had done not only the people of Gaza would stand up against Hamas but there would remain no hurdle to bully and bribe the meek Palestinian Authority into accepting crumbs from Zionism’s table. (Khaleej Times, January 30, 2010)
Gaza is a thickly populated and the most reproducing part of the land in the world. Number of the children is higher than the adults. In two ‘Intefadahs’ they were the children whose catapults made the tanks and guns of the Israeli forces helpless. Perhaps seeing that they are the Palestinian children whose struggle made the flagrant immorality and brutality of the Israeli forces and the government exposed to the world, the children are especially subject to the inhumane targets of the Jews. One more point where the Jews and the Western Christian communities are equal is fall of their population in number, while the Muslims are growing population all over the world. They think getting sinking in the flood of the rapidly growing black and brown population as compared to the whites in America and the European countries. Very interestingly the Jews who were till sometime ago classified as separate race are showed as whites in demographic surveys.
In 1974, the US National Security Council under Henry Kissinger released a memorandum claiming that the growth in Lesser Developed Countries was a dangerous threat to US national security. The same danger echoed in the views of neo-conservative commentator Mark Steyn when he once said: ‘If you can’t outbreed the enemy, cull them.’ Culling is on now. The genocide acts of the Jews particularly in Gaza and generally in the areas under the control of Palestinian Authority and the Americans’ with the collaboration of its European allies in Iraq and Afghanistan is actually criminally dealing with the issue how to minimize the Muslim population. The world has experienced that Afghans who are very dauntless and most resisting people, have a high reproducing rate as the Palestinians have. Hatred and fear are two major factors behind acts of humiliation, massacre and genocide by the Jews and the Western Whites. Fear of rapidly decreasing number of the Whites including the Jews reflects from what Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, according to a 1995 American Policy Center report, once said: “ If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to the earth as a killer virus to lower human population.” Will they be successful to stop the trends of De-Europeanisation and De-Americanization by killing the Muslims and not raising their dying reproducing trend? In the both ways they would be the losers and guilty in the eyes of the nature, humanity and the Creator.

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